
You can choose the type of accommodation that will suit you best:


Homestay is accommodation with a local family. This is a great way to experience local “Aussie” hospitality and use your English in a day-to-day environment. Most families are located from 5 – 20 minutes bike ride from the school. Bus transport is also available. Internet is available in most homes.

Minimum stay: 2 weeks

Homestay room details

For Bookings or More Info

Opportunity for Host Families

Becoming a host family is a great way to provide local “Aussie” hospitality to our international guests. If you are interested in our homestay program, please complete our online registration form.
We will reply to you within 2 working days to discuss your application.

Accommodation Options


Own bedroom  •  Meals Included

Minimum stay: 2 weeks

Student Houses

Live and learn with other international students

Shared Kitchen  •  Great Location  •  Free WiFi

Deluxe Student House

Enjoy Byron Bay in Style

Single or Double Rooms Available


Quality Hostels •  Various Locations 


Private Room

Live with local people •  Shared houses 


Stay in a Farm  • Green living  •  Free board